Online Learning
In response to the international lockdown in Spring 2020, many workshops are now available online. Using an online meeting platform means that instead of turning into passive webinars or static content, our online workshops remain as interactive and engaging as ever.
Workshops that have already run are listed below but if there is a workshop that you would like to be run online, please get in touch to discuss it.

Skills for the workplace
Improving your leadership with Belbin Team Roles
Active listening and negotiation skills
Building wellbeing (using LEGO® Serious Play®)
Remote wellbeing (using LEGO® Serious Play®)
Academic Skills
Managing the final year of your PhD and looking forward
Writing for your PhD and beyond
Advice for Online Participants
If you are signed up to a forthcoming online workshop, please click the button below to read over our advice page to help you get the most from the workshop.